Recovery Support Specialist II: Assertive Community Treatment
Location: Assertive Community Treatment Team, Manchester, CT
Employment Type: Full-time; 40 hrs/wk
Company: chr
The Recovery Support Specialist II in this position will be responsible for:
- Conducting Clinical and Risk Assessments, LOCUS, Co-occurring Screens and Functional Assessments.
- Collaborating with individuals to create individualized, person centered treatment plans and documenting client progress during treatment.
- Using Motivational Interventions to assist clients in meeting their goals and moving along their paths to recovery, utilizing stage wise interventions.
- Providing psycho-educational rehabilitation services group and individual for recovery from psychiatric and substance abuse disorders.
- Supporting individuals with linking and engaging with natural (family, friends) or community supports.
- Developing crisis plans for clients and working with other staff to respond to crisis situations as needed.
- Providing skill teaching, such as assisting clients in obtaining/ maintaining housing and utilities, learning how to use transportation services, planning and preparing nutritional meals, engage and communicate with family and friends, be safe in the community, care for children and other family members, and solve everyday problems that arise.
- Providing intensive skill building interventions and support for self-management, self-advocacy, health and well-being, relapse prevention, and using community resources.
- Participating in family education and support activities.
- Maintaining documentation in compliance with agency and program standards.