Jennifer Henry is an advocate for people with mental health challenges. She has worked at Advocacy Unlimited for ten years.
Jennifer is being presented the Ernie Hearion Award by Amplify which honors her dedicated work with Catchment Area Council 19, of which she is the chair. Jennifer has served on CAC19 for several years under the Regional Mental Health Board, and currently under Amplify. She works to ensure the mental health and substance use systems provide transformed care to all who are receiving services.
Jennifer was born and raised in Hartford, Connecticut. She graduated from Weaver High School. She attended Capital Community College and graduated with an Associates degree in Accounting. She has completed Advocacy Unlimited training and Recovery Support Specialist certification (RSS-CT) as a peer support specialist. She served as President of the Recovery Advisory Council at Capital Region in Hartford, and also developed and coordinated a mini-grant at Capital Region entitled “Your Beautiful Inside and Out”.
Jennifer continues to fight to end stigma regarding mental illness by educating others and has done this by providing testimony and legislative advocacy while also networking with agencies such as Keep The Promise, NAMI, PAIMI, and others.