The Connecticut Hearing Voices Network provides peer support groups statewide for people who hear voices, see visions, have other sensory perceptions, or are negotiating alternative realities. At CTHVN we aim to create a safe space to explore personal experiences and honor each of us as experts on ourselves.

10% of people in the United States have had an unusual experience that those around them didn’t share. The Connecticut Hearing Voices Network (CTHVN) partners with people who hear voices, see visions or have other unusual sensory perceptions to find and build strong peer communities through support groups and community education.
We focus on mutual respect, peer support, and community, not therapy or treatment. The groups offer an opportunity to accept and find meaning in your experiences in a way that helps you regain power over your life.
CTHVN groups welcome the diversity of experiences and views of the members. All explanations for experiences are valued. No assumption of illness is made, and individuals are honored as experts on themselves.