MAP: A Journey Begins
On May 5th 2022 Advocacy Unlimited, Inc.’s the Maastricht Approach Project: A Journey Begins Conference took place at the Chrysalis Center Banquet Hall in Hartford. The event was part educational, and part celebration of the debut of MAP which is the organization’s newest program. Guest speakers included Peter Bullimore of the National Paranoia Network in addition to presentations from MAP Coordinator, Maggie Taylor, and Skye Collins, HVN Coordinator, of Advocacy Unlimited, Inc.
MAP’s launch was a success with over 50 participants joining from across the country both in person and virtually. Guests that participated in person enjoyed a variety of community vendors, a great taco bar lunch, desserts, photo booth, a live DJ, and music/art expression throughout the event.
The intention of the event was to invite EVERYONE to learn what MAP is, experience the perspective, and join us in our work to create here at Advocacy Unlimited.
Refection’s from Maggie Taylor MAP Coordinator.
The understanding is that our society views the experience of hearing voices as taboo, dangerous, and as an indicator of madness. And because of this we are not talking about the experience at all, not even in clinical settings. The intention of MAP is to invite all people, the entire community to start learning how to hold space for conversations around unique belief systems and experiences, to invite them to see these experiences as human, and not immediately a sign of illness or disillusion.
MAP is a place to come and learn how experiences like voice hearing, paranoia and unique belief systems can hold meaning for folks. A place to get comfortable with conversations that feel abstract or difficult to navigate. And a place where both clinical professionals and non-clinical supporters merge with a shared desire to understand. We know that all people want to be heard, validated and understood.
Event Feedback
“The training was absolutely phenomenal. As a clinician, there is so much I can take back and generalize with my clients and I hope to make their assessments an even more comfortable experience when asking questions regarding their hearing voices experiences and support them in the community.”
“I could relate to a lot of what was said and it is comforting to know this approach will be adapted Into the world and journey of healing. Thank you for sharing Heather Eckler”
“Very useful strategies when working with clients. Very insightful when sharing your personal experiences and using real cases to make points.”
Special Thanks to Peter Bullimore, Skye Collins, Torry Bernard, Ken Blatt and Michaela Fissel for making this event possible.
Our MAP Journey has just begun…
MAP is not a grant funded program, and relies on allies like you, to continue the work that we do.
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Stay connected: Please feel free to reach out to Maggie with any questions [email protected] | Learn more at