July 2020 – HUSKY Medicaid Program Updates

The HUSKY Medicaid Program has made several changes to their programs to ensure better access to services and to best ensure the safety of patients and healthcare providers.

Please see the recent changes highlighted below:

SNAP Benefits:  On-line access to food
The Connecticut Department of Social Services is working with the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food and Nutrition Service, the state’s electronic benefit transfer (EBT) vendor, and participating food retailers to implement SNAP online purchasing in Connecticut.
The beginning of online food purchasing is tentatively scheduled for June 2. When activated, enrollees will be able to use SNAP benefits on their EBT card to purchase eligible food items online for delivery or curbside pickup at participating food retailers.
Participating food retailers to start are Amazon, including Amazon Pantry and Amazon Fresh; 12 Walmart stores (click here for list); and Wakefern Food Corp., which has 22 participating ShopRite stores in state (click here for list).
To read the federal approval announcement, click here. For more information about the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program in Connecticut, visit www.ct.gov/snap
Customers will use their EBT SNAP benefits for the eligible food items and then must use a credit or debit card for the rest of the transaction.

Customers cannot use their EBT Cash benefits for online purchases, including service or delivery fees.

It appears there are some locations that are not yet represented, but may be in the works. DSS is unable to add additional retailers prior to their launch, but if you are any older adults/persons with disabilities have thoughts on adding retailers, please forward them to [email protected]

Telehealth through audio-only methods for new and established patients.

Expands the definition of telehealth services in order to permit Medicaid-enrolled providers offering covered telehealth services to “new or established patients” who are Medicaid recipients to engage in telehealth through the use of audio-only telephone.

Allowing the use of audio-only telephone will make more healthcare services available to more patients without increasing the risk of transmission of COVID-19.

Click link for more details: https://portal.ct.gov/-/media/Office-of-the-Governor/Executive-Orders/Lamont-Executive-Orders/Executive-Order-No-7FF.pdf?la=en

Non-Emergency Medical Transportation and Non-Emergency Ambulance Transportation (April 2020).

Transportation of Individuals Without Confirmed COVID-19:

At this time, Veyo, DSS’ non-emergency medical transportation (NEMT) broker, has not cancelled nor suspended any scheduled rides to appointments due to the coronavirus. However, during this public health emergency, DSS strongly recommends that providers make every effort to limit the scheduling of in person appointments or treatments to those that are absolutely necessary until the office resumes normal functioning.

This will, in turn, allow NEMT to be reserved for essential and life sustaining healthcare treatment. Effective immediately, the following updates are being made to NEMT:

• Veyo will not multi-load unrelated passengers; and
• NEMT providers will not be permitted to enter any healthcare facility in order to facilitate the pick-up or drop-off of a member.

Transportation for Individuals with Confirmed COVID-19:

Effectively immediately, individuals who have tested positive for the coronavirus meet a higher mode of transportation and should use non-emergency ambulance services. Members who are currently positive for the coronavirus may only be transported via ambulance at this time. The member’s healthcare provider must contact the ambulance provider directly to request the transport.

For more information, visit: https://www.ctdssmap.com/CTPortal/Information/Get%20Download%20File/tabid/44/Default.aspx?Filename=pb20_32.pdf&URI=Bulletins/pb20_39.pdf

Thank you for your sacrifice to continue to serve our DCF children & Families during the COVID-19 pandemic.  You are appreciated. Be safe and stay healthy!

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