August 2020 – Meet Alex

Alex Perfetto has a variety of facets attached to his journey which started with severe
onset of multiple mental health issues at the age of 10 to an improbable success story that he lives and shows continuous progress in a unique way that only such a life story can demonstrate.

Alex was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder at the age of 10. He spent a majority of his childhood in and out of different hospitals, schools, and living situations. He went into DCF at 15 and transitioned to Young Adult Services once he turned 18. Alex was also diagnosed with PTSD at 22.

Now 26 years old, Alex has taken his life experiences, and turned them into making a difference in the lives of others. He is an Activist regarding Mental Health, working with Young Adults who share similar struggles. He is involved in the Join Rise Be Movement in Connecticut advocating for those in need, as well as the agencies that help Young Adults. Alex has testified for these agencies at The Legislative Office Building to keep them intact. He lives through composing his own poetry and music as artistic expression for not just himself, but for others as well. Alex is also a diehard sports fan. His Favorite teams are the Boston Redsox, Dallas Cowboys, and Oklahoma city Thunder. He currently works for the Middlesex YMCA as an Assistant Site Director for Before and After School Childcare with the common goal in mind: To give back, help others, and make a difference.

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