Essential Tips to Help Entrepreneurs Cope With Pandemic Stress

By Julie Morris

When you start a new business, you may not always think about your mental health. The truth is, being an entrepreneur can come with a fair share of stress, anxiety, and other pressures that can take a toll on a person’s well-being. All of this is to say that if you’re not making your mental health a priority, you may be making a mistake that could put your health at risk.

This is especially true if you’re attempting to get your business off the ground during the COVID-19 pandemic, which has been challenging enough on its own. That’s why you need to have mental health resources like Advocacy Unlimited at your disposal, as well as these compassionate self-care tips.

Be Mindful of Expenses

Other than the pandemic, do you know what one of the top causes of stress is for Americans? If you guessed finances, you are correct. A recession and an uncertain economy have made concerns around money even worse. So if you want to avoid putting yourself under any additional pressure, take care when planning a budget and expenses for your business.

Startup costs tend to be a source of worry for many entrepreneurs. If you have some money in savings, you could self-finance your venture. Also, know that there are grant programs and other opportunities available so you won’t have to put yourself in debt to get things up and running.

There are also some fairly simple ways to reduce your startup expenses. For instance, instead of paying an attorney to set up an LLC, you could take care of the paperwork online for a fraction of those costs. A $49 CT LLC is just one specific example of the savings you can expect, and this is in addition to being able to do away with the potential for liability and tax savings in the future.

Come Prepared With a Plan

When it comes to pandemic self-care, mindfulness is a must. Even the National Institutes of Health recommend using mindfulness to manage mental health right now. Balancing mindfulness with an ounce of preparation is more beneficial for your overall mental health. Researchers call this sort of planning proactive coping. It’s when people attempt to reduce anxiety and stress triggers by creating plans and routines. It’s a highly effective approach, and a bit of proactive coping and mindfulness will help you as an entrepreneur.

A fully informed business plan that takes the pandemic into consideration is one of the best ways for entrepreneurs to practice proactive coping right now. This is essential because you may need to shift your focus in order to thrive in the current market. Businesses that prioritize people, comprehend trends, and work well with innovation may be better poised for success.

Make Daily Self-Care a Priority

As previously stated, you need a good mix of mindfulness and proactivity to manage your mental health and a new business in the middle of such a stressful global crisis. Now that you know how to plan for your business, it’s time to focus on more mindfulness for yourself.

No matter how busy you get as a new business owner, you have to make taking care of yourself a priority. Remember, self-care is essential for reducing the negative effects of chronic stress, anxiety, and other prevalent mental health issues among entrepreneurs. Take breaks outside, spend some time deep-breathing, and engage in basic self-care each day.

If you need additional support for your mental health right now, know that this is okay, as well. The stigma around reaching out for support can still be pretty strong, but organizations like Advocacy Unlimited are working to break down barriers and provide individuals with the mental health resources they need in a safe, supportive, and accessible manner, such as video resources.

It’s normal to make your business a focus when you’re an entrepreneur. You just need to be sure that your own mental health is a priority, as well. Find ways to reduce stress from the start, find a balance between mindfulness and planning, and finally, fit in some self-care every day.

Don’t forget to check in with Advocacy Unlimited often for regular updates to help you cope or call the support line at (888) 770-4478 to connect!

Photo Credit: Rawpixel


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