Click The Sections Below For More Information
The ACLU of Connecticut
A non-profit organization that defends, promotes, and expands the civil rights and civil liberties of all people in Connecticut through litigation, community organizing and legislative advocacy, and civic education and engagement. They are an inclusive, nonpartisan, and statewide organization within the nationwide American Civil Liberties Union network, powered by our supporters, partners, staff, interns, cooperating attorneys, and our board of directors.
The Alliance for Rights & Recovery
A unique coalition of self and system grassroots advocates partnering with traditional and peer providers to advance funding, quality of lives, excellence in the delivery of recovery focused rehabilitation and peer support services with a very strong focus on promoting human rights and justice. The Alliance for Rights and Recovery is a state and national change agent dedicated to improving services, public policies and social conditions for people with mental health, substance use and trauma-related challenges, by promoting health, wellness, recovery, with full community inclusion, so that all may achieve maximum potential in communities of choice.
CT Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities
A State Commission that is legislatively mandated to handle discrimination complaints about housing, employment, and public accommodations. Find the process for filing a complaint here.
CT Community for Addiction Recovery (CCAR)
A community non-profit dedicated to organizing the addiction recovery community (people in recovery, family members, friends and allies) to 1) put a face on recovery and 2) provide recovery support services, we also promote recovery from alcohol and other drug addiction through advocacy, education and service. CCAR strives to end discrimination surrounding addiction and recovery, open new doors and remove barriers to recovery, maintain and sustain recovery regardless of the pathway, all the while ensuring that all people in recovery, and people seeking recovery, are treated with dignity and respect. Our Values – CCAR meets people where they are. We don’t push any one form of recovery on anyone. Over the years CCAR has developed some foundational principles on which we base our work.
CT Cross Disability Lifespan Alliance
The CT Cross Disability Lifespan Alliance is a statewide coalition of individuals and organizations that advocate for the full inclusion and participation of all people with disabilities in their communities. The CCDLA meets every other month to share resources, promote issues of importance and to advocate for solutions that improve the quality of lives for people with disabilities. In addition, the Alliance hosts Policy calls every other week (or more frequently as needed) to address policy issues at the local, state, and national levels.
CT Legal Rights Project
Connecticut Legal Rights Project, Inc., (CLRP) is a statewide non-profit agency which provides legal services to low income individuals with mental health conditions, who reside in hospitals or the community, on matters related to their treatment, recovery, and civil rights. CLRP represents clients in accordance with their expressed preferences in administrative, judicial, and legislative venues to enforce their legal rights and assure that personal choices are respected and individual self-determination is protected. CLRP develops and supports initiatives to promote full community integration which maximizes opportunities for independence and self-sufficiency.
Disability Rights Connecticut
Disability Rights Connecticut is a statewide non-profit organization with a mission to advocate for the human, civil, and legal rights of people with disabilities in Connecticut. Disability Rights Connecticut (DRCT) replaced the Office of Protection & Advocacy for Persons with Disabilities, which was abolished by Connecticut Law as of June 30, 2017 and is now Connecticut’s “Protection and Advocacy System” and Client Assistance Program. A Board of Directors, consisting primarily of people with disabilities and family members of people with disabilities, governs the work of DRCT. At Disability Rights Connecticut, we provide legal advocacy and rights protection to people of all ages with disabilities. DRCT does not charge for its services. This includes assisting individuals with problems such as abuse, neglect, discrimination, access to assistive technology, community integration, voting, and rights protection issues. DRCT also addresses issues through policy advocacy, education, monitoring, and investigation.
Fireside Project
The Psychedelic Peer Support Line is staffed by rigorously trained, compassionate, supportive volunteers from diverse backgrounds who listen deeply and from a place of non-judgment. The Psychedelic Peer Support Line provides emotional support during and after psychedelic experiences.
The Icarus Project is a support network and media project by and for people who experience the world in ways that are often diagnosed as mental illness. We advance social justice by fostering mutual aid practices that reconnect healing and collective liberation. We transform ourselves through transforming the world around us.
Inner Fire
Inner Fire is a proactive healing community offering a choice for adults to recover from debilitating and traumatic life challenges with minimal use of mind-altering, psychotropic medications.
Intentional Peer Support
Intentional Peer Support is a peer support framework that is delivered as a training. IPS provides a powerful framework for creating relationships where both people learn and grow together. We offer a range of trainings to examine and practice what is necessary to build mutual support. IPS is used across the world in community, peer support, and human services settings, and is a tool for community development with broad appeal to people from all walks of life. Why IPS? Peers come together around shared experiences and often a desire to change lives. But without a new framework to build upon, people frequently re-enact “help” based on what was done to them. IPS offers a foundation for doing something different. We come from a history of grassroots alternatives that focus on building relationships that are mutual, explorative, and conscious of power.
ISEPP – International Society for Ethical Psychology & Psychiatry
The International Society for Ethical Psychology and Psychiatry, Inc. (ISEPP) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit volunteer organization of mental health professionals, physicians, educators, ex-patients and survivors of the mental health system, and their families. We are not affiliated with any political or religious group.
ISPS – International Society for Psychological & Social Approaches to Psychosis
ISPS is an international organization promoting psychological and social treatments for persons with psychosis (a term which includes persons diagnosed with “schizophrenia”). We are committed to advancing education, training and knowledge of mental health professionals in the treatment and prevention of psychotic mental disorders. We seek to achieve the best possible outcomes for service user/survivors of psychosis by engaging in meaningful partnership with health professionals, people with lived experience, family members and caregivers.
Keep the Promise Coalition
Keep the Promise Coalition (KTP) is a Connecticut Coalition of advocates (people living with mental illness, family members, mental health professionals and interested community members) dedicated to ensuring that a comprehensive, community mental health system is created and sustained across the lifespan (children, adolescents, emerging adults, adults, older adults and families in Connecticut).
Madness Network News
Madness Network News is a communication network for the interchange of energy and support of psychiatric survivors, mad, disabled, and neurodivergent people.
MindFreedom International is a nonprofit organization that unites sponsor and affiliate grassroots groups with thousands of individual members to win human rights and alternatives for people labeled with psychiatric disabilities.
NARPA – National Association on Rights, Protections, & Advocacy
NARPA’S mission is to support people with psychiatric diagnoses to exercise their legal and human rights, with the goals of abolishing forced treatment and ensuring autonomy, dignity and choice. NARPA exists to promote social justice for people who experience the world in ways society often calls “mental illness.” We do this through: Education, Advocacy, Rights advancement, Promoting alternatives to coercive and harmful practices – so, the right to choice can be meaningful.
National Association of Peer Supporters
Founded in 2004, the organization now includes members from every state and several countries outside the USA. Members of this network come together to share their ideas and innovations, exchange resources and information, and provide unified consensus concerning issues affecting peer supporter communities. We are actively and intentionally working on making N.A.P.S a more inclusive and safe space for individuals who have historically been marginalized. We aim to ensure that all cultures and communities have a place to join in support of increasing, enhancing, and sustaining peer support in diverse communities throughout the USA and globally.
National Mental Health Consumers’ Self-Help Clearinghouse
The National Mental Health Consumers’ Self-Help Clearinghouse is a peer run national technical assistance and resource center that fosters recovery, self-determination, and community inclusion. The Clearinghouse serves individuals with lived experience of a mental health condition, peer run service and advocacy organizations, family members, mental health professionals and service providers, policy makers, and the public.
Problem Gambling
Through prevention efforts, early intervention, access to treatment and by working together, we can stop the problem before it starts and get those needing help into recovery. Here in Connecticut, we have five Regional Gambling Awareness Teams that bring together professionals from the prevention, treatment and recovery communities as well as local community members to make gambling supportive efforts a priority through a coalition structure.
- Region 1: Liberation Programs
- Region 2: BHCare
- Region 3: SEARCCT
- Region 4: Amplify
- Region 5: Western CT Coalition Gambling
Recovery Support Services is an opportunity available to Better Choice participants, individuals in recovery, and those affected by problem gambling to connect with a person in recovery with lived experience with gambling. Connecticut RSS are available to provide gambling outreach, resources, educational training opportunities, and recovery speakers for your upcoming meetings or events through funding from the State of Connecticut’s Department of Mental Health & Addiction Services, Problem Gambling Services Division.
We are a small collective of people who have lived experience with mental health challenges, addiction challenges or both. The scope of services we offer are for those who have similar experiences and have received services within the Connecticut mental health and addiction services system. All listed resources and services on this website are either located in Connecticut or accessible to all residence who live here. Currently we have no plans to expand our service area beyond the borders of our state.
We are a small collective of people who have lived experience with mental health challenges, addiction challenges or both. The scope of services we offer are for those who have similar experiences and have received services within the Connecticut mental health and addiction services system. All listed resources and services on this website are either located in Connecticut or accessible to all residence who live here. Currently we have no plans to expand our service area beyond the borders of our state.
Volunteers in Psychotherapy
Volunteers In Psychotherapy is a nonprofit organization based in Connecticut that is dedicated to providing affordable and truly private psychotherapy for the community, in exchange for volunteer work clients donate to the charity of their choice. You, the client should decide how long you will continue in therapy: Not an insurance company that profits by cutting the length of therapy.
Wildflower Alliance
The Wildflower Alliance is a grassroots Peer Support, Advocacy, and Training organization with a focus on harm reduction and human rights.